Fact Checker, Editor, Writer, Audio Producer, Outdoorsy-type, Musician, Vegetarian, Pleasure to Be Around, among other titles.

What I Do

Thanks for visiting. I’ve worn a lot of hats across my career, but generally, I’m a reporter, researcher, and podcast-maker for award-winning publications. Here’s what I’ve been up to.

Fact Checking

Editorial research is my longest and most varied work, spread across multiple mediums. I edit for accuracy, review legal risks, control print and digital content management systems, organize workflow between editorial silos, and contribute to research projects across business divisions. Check out some of my clients here.

National Geographic Magazine: I contribute to National Geographic as a fact-checker, working on nearly every monthly issue of the magazine since 2017.

Outside Magazine: Most recently, I was the publication’s editorial fellow. While there, I fact-checked all parts of the print issues and features running online.

Audubon Magazine: As an editorial intern and contributor, I fact-checked news and feature pieces on the natural sciences online, while also managing print fact-checking for both front-of-book and feature sections.

Mother Jones: I recently contributed to the investigative package “How Private Equity Looted America,” featuring multiple feature-length business stories, now running in print and online.

Spotify Studios: I just ended a full-time position as a fact-checker for Parcast, a podcast studio owned by Spotify, where I checked and edited podcast scripts for accuracy, legal risk, and sensitivity.

Hidden Compass: For this travel publication, I researched journalism and literature that covers history, science, politics, and the natural world.

Backpacker Magazine: I recently fact-checked the magazine’s final few issues, including the last ever print issue, in it’s entirety.


Along side my full-time writing jobs, I’ve jumped head-first into freelancing in recent years. You can find my work in a variety of publications and my portfolio includes feature-length literary journalism, gear-focused service reporting, and insightful personal essays. Find some selected stories and publications I’ve written for to the right.

Audio Stories

Audio production, including writing, editing, engineering, and fact-checking, is a new venture for me, and I’d love to talk with industry professionals or studios about their experience in the business. See some of the podcast series I’ve worked on to the side.

The Outside Podcast (Outside Magazine)

Dictators (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Serial Killers (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Conspiracy Theories (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Unexplained Mysteries (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Disappearances (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Female Criminals (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Unsolved Murders (Parcast/Spotify Studios)

Solved Murders (Parcast/Spotify Studios)